LOL...Today was Anderson's big test day (colonoscopy, endoscopy, and pancreas stim)
I took my camera with me, cause you just never know when you will get a photo op...well there were some today.
As Im shooting Im thinking to, you are really starting to get this, cause every time I looked at my meter....I was spot on. I never had to switch my settings (which is very unusual)
It was about 40 shots later that I realized I wasnt shooting in M, but good my arse, my camera was doing the work for me.
I dont know how the dial got turned, as I just leave it on its the only way I I dont know.
The pictures didnt turn out quite as good as I had hoped, I blame that on the settings.
Some of the shots were taken after they had given him meds to "calm his nerves" Oh baby was way out of it!
As you are looking...check out the color in his face. Its so nice to see, my kid has been ghastly sickly white for so long...real men wear their cheeks!
All went well with the tests, nothing stood out....biopsies will take approx 2 weeks to get back, so I wont know anything till then.
Here are some of todays pics
He does look like he has color!!! Good boy! I hope they find things out very soon. You guys needs answers!
ReplyDeleteOh, I love his rosy cheeks momma!!! (My heart is melting over this little boy, I'll have you know!)