Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nifty Fifty

I got a new lens this weekend, unfortunately it showed up at my doorstep about 2 hours after I had left to go visit the cutest nephews anyone could have in Chicago.

The weather was so nasty up there, that I didnt get a chance to take any pictures, but had I had this lens, I so could have!

Ill have to try to get back up in the next month or two and get some shots of Devin and Neil.

As I mentioned I got my lens, but I havent had a chance to play with it much...we were gone all day yesterday and then last night we were admitted into Riley Childrens Hospital.

They are starting NG feeds, need to do another picc line and wanting to do a sedated head CT on Anderson.

His weight is terrible, and we still cant figure out exactly what is wrong with my little boog.

If you are the prayer saying type...please do your thing now!



  1. thinking about you all. hope you get some answers soon.

    (((big hugs)))

  2. Will continue to pray, Momma. Keep trusting.

